Hi everyone, sorry we haven't had time to share lately. The Richard clan has been busy, busy, busy. We got the joy of being in Chicago over the past 3 weekends, yes count them, I said 3. A little crazy I know. Ok a lot crazy! But before you think we are absolutely insane for three back to back Chicago weekends, just listen to all we got to do. Over those three weekends we fit in a bachelor party, three bridal showers, a visit to Grandpa and Grandma Zeltwanger, a weekend with the Bailin cousins, a few Sunday mornings at NECC (my home church growing up), and lots of sweet family time. Cooper got to spend an entire weekend with just Grandpa Wayne and GG. Then he got a few days alone with Grandpa and Grandma Bailin. And during the weekdays we weren't just sitting around with our feet up, I accepted a new job and put in my three weeks notice at my current job! I currently work the next 8 days in a row due to my two jobs overlapping by a week, so although I am not thrilled about this, when my normal schedule actually starts in, I will be working Mon, Tues, and Thursdays in a pediatric clinic. no more weekends, holidays, or nights.............Andy is ecstatic. I think he had been praying for this schedule for me since the day we got married. Well honey, sorry it took this long and thanks for putting up with my schedule, looking forward to having every weekend together with you and Coop!
Ok enough chatter, here's the good stuff that you really want to see.......
Kicking off girls weekend (+dad and Coop) with some Bridal bling and a champagne toast courtesy of the AZ Bailin Clan
Bridal Shower Toast!
The Bride with her leading ladies (don't judge, I am not looking my best here)
For the first hour that we were there visiting Grandpa and Grandma Z., Cooper did just this....he just stared at Grandpa. He would look away for a few seconds or take a bite of food, then turn right back around to make sure he was still siting there. I just love we captured this moment on camera.....precious. |
Eating Grandma's homemade soup and cinammon applesauce (my favorite). Coop Loved it!
Grandpa loved showing me the ducks in his backyard and taught me (kinda) how to quack quack quack!
Thanks for the celery Aunt Heather, you are the best!
Priceless Cousin moment..........hanging with my pal Saywer at Bible Study
Seeing Mommy after a few days apart.....we were both overjoyed!!
Thanks to our wonderful parents who both took their turn loving on our little man for a few days, we are so grateful to have you in our lives and now in Cooper's. And of course we could not forget our dear siblings, great seeing you guys over the past few weekends to. Lucky to have such best friends for sibilings. Bry~you were the only one we missed. Guess if you have a choice between Panama City and a girls weekend, I can understand that decision.......
Thanks for checking in, hope you find many things to make you smile today ;)