Thursday, March 29, 2012

I love Weddings!

It's true, I love them.  Most everything about them, including the getting dressed up, the beautiful bride walking down the aisle, the nervous groom, the "love in the air".  Ok cheesy I know.  But marriage is such a beautiful thing created by God, and when two people find each other and pledge to spend the rest of their lives together, it's a pretty amazing thing.  Plus you can't forget about the dancing, reunion with old friends, and being together with people you have not seen in a while.  Andy and I headed to Cincinnait this past weekend to celebrate our dear friends John and Marjorie.  Although Coop didn't make the drive with us, we did get him as far as Chicago and left him in good hands with the grandparents and aunt heather!

Jeff and Andy's speech at the Rehearsal Dinner............

Somehow it incorporated this WWF belt

With Plotty and Cody, gotta miss NNHS

Loved hanging with Ali all weekend too, was so fun to get some quality time in with her!

Sorry the quality is not great in some of these, but just wanted to give you an idea of the Connell wedding.  We had such a great time and the whole weekend was beautiful.  Congrats you two, we love you guys!!

Now don't worry, I won't leave you without some pics of little man himself, he was all sorts of busy in Naperville.............

Just lounging in the family room watching some TV

And here I am hanging with my pal Drake, he has tons of cool toys, so it wasn't too rough being away from Mom and Dad.  Plus I had Grandma with me, so I was all smiles ;)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day Weekend!

Although we didn't get to see the Chicago river turned green this year, we did get to have a nice little get together with some dear friends.  We grilled some burgers, had some green beer, and Andy made his first Corned Beef (which was amazing!)  See the chef below......
And with it being Cooper's 1st St. Patrick's Day, I of course had to take several pictures to capture the moments......
Love the expressions on both their faces!  Coop just loves Aunt Annie, especially grabbing at her pretty hair and glasses ;) Don't ask me what Coop is grabbing at down below......

So much fun! Well, tomorrow starts another week, and it will be the first week of my new normal schedule. As I was venting to my hubby about how it's so weird to have a set schedule week after week, he reminded me that it's actually very normal and most people in the world work a set schedule 5 days a week.  Well after seeing I wasn't going to get a lot of sympathy from him, I took a deep breath and "gently" reminded him that I have never worked the same set days in a week.......ever.  It's just a new concept for me and one I have always desired, however something I have never done.  I guess you could say I have a hard time dealing with change, and even though I know that this change is the for the best......I just need time.  Please pray that my adjustment to this job and new schedule goes well.  Cooper seems to be doing fine with it, I guess I just need to suck it up.  Ok sorry, enough venting to my blog (but isn't that what these things are really for anyway?!?). 

Here's a few more Cooper Moments before we go:
Nice little Friday night at the Hyvee. This was our first experience with the Race Car shopping cart, and as you can see Coop was instantly mesmerized. Great idea Dad.  Griffin he is saving that seat next to him for you!!!!

Ok I know this looks extremely dangerous and that he may flip out at any moment, but he kept leaning forward like this even though I kept scooting his little bottom crazy little daredevil!
Hiking in Fontanelle Forest in Bellevue, NE. Here is the group standing in front of the Missouri River.
I know, just breathtaking, right?! Thanks to John and Kristel for this fun idea on a beautiful Sunday afternoon (and for the coupons to get us in for free!)

And finally, I will leave you with this hilarious picture below.........let's just say Coop was not a fan of sitting in the "wall chair" in the groccery store bathroom. If you have never put your kid in one of these or ever seen them, they are actually quite a good idea.  Believe me, I have tried to pee (and do other things) with Coop balancing on my lap, it's not he easiest!  Probably not the most sanitary, but.......
If he could talk I know for sure he would be saying, Really Mom, is this serious????

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bridal Shower Fun

Hi everyone, sorry we haven't had time to share lately.  The Richard clan has been busy, busy, busy.  We got the joy of being in Chicago over the past 3 weekends, yes count them, I said 3.  A little crazy I know.  Ok a lot crazy!  But before you think we are absolutely insane for three back to back Chicago weekends, just listen to all we got to do. Over those three weekends we fit in a bachelor party, three bridal showers, a visit to Grandpa and Grandma Zeltwanger, a weekend with the Bailin cousins, a few Sunday mornings at NECC (my home church growing up), and lots of sweet family time.  Cooper got to spend an entire weekend with just Grandpa Wayne and GG.  Then he got a few days alone with Grandpa and Grandma Bailin.  And during the weekdays we weren't just sitting around with our feet up, I accepted a new job and put in my three weeks notice at my current job!  I currently work the next 8 days in a row due to my two jobs overlapping by a week, so although I am not thrilled about this, when my normal schedule actually starts in, I will be working Mon, Tues, and Thursdays in a pediatric clinic.  no more weekends, holidays, or nights.............Andy is ecstatic.  I think he had been praying for this schedule for me since the day we got married.  Well honey, sorry it took this long and thanks for putting up with my schedule,  looking forward to having every weekend together with you and Coop!

Ok enough chatter, here's the good stuff that you really want to see.......
Kicking off girls weekend (+dad and Coop) with some Bridal bling and a champagne toast courtesy of the AZ Bailin Clan

Bridal Shower Toast!

The Bride with her leading ladies (don't judge, I am not looking my best here)

For the first hour that we were there visiting Grandpa and Grandma Z., Cooper did just this....he just stared at Grandpa.  He would look away for a few seconds or take a bite of food, then turn right back around to make sure he was still siting there.  I just love we captured this moment on camera.....precious.

 Eating Grandma's homemade soup and cinammon applesauce (my favorite).  Coop Loved it!

Grandpa loved showing me the ducks in his backyard and taught me (kinda) how to quack quack quack!
Thanks for the celery Aunt Heather, you are the best!

Priceless Cousin moment..........hanging with my pal Saywer at Bible Study

Seeing Mommy after a few days apart.....we were both overjoyed!!

Thanks to our wonderful parents who both took their turn loving on our little man for a few days, we are so grateful to have you in our lives and now in Cooper's.  And of course we could not forget our dear siblings, great seeing you guys over the past few weekends to.  Lucky to have such best friends for sibilings.  Bry~you were the only one we missed.  Guess if you have a choice between Panama City and a girls weekend, I can understand that decision.......

Thanks for checking in, hope you find many things to make you smile today ;)