Monday, December 9, 2013

Picture Update

 So I have a hamper of laundry sitting next to me that I have been meaning to fold (yes for the last two days, yikes!) but I can always seem to find something more fun to be doing!  So yes mom, the laundry will be a bit wrinkled when I finally get to it, but if I can't find time or motivation to fold the laundry, there is no way it's getting ironed!  However it is the kid's clothes, and since onesies don't need a lot of ironing and Coop usually has spilled something on his shirt by 9am, I'd say we are safe ;)

Here's some fun shots from the past couple weeks.

Yes Cooper carried his stool all the way down from his bathroom to do this naughty thing.  He was determined to have more cornbread even after I said NO (and don't worry I had already given him 3 pieces!).  NO didn't stop this kid.  Nor did the heavy stool.  He told me when he was carrying it down the stairs, "Don't worry mom, I'm strong". 

Baseball is life.  Especially for this kid. Loves playing catch and hitting balls with anything that resembles a bat (drumstick, golf club, stick, etc.)

Future gymnast

Coop's first black eye. Now he resembles Smalls from his favorite movie, the Sandlot.

Coop showing off his new belt from Gigi with this model pose.  He calls the belt a tool belt.  It's too cute to correct him.

Some Grandma Time

Thanksgiving in Naperville!


Coop usually can make Claire smile and laugh with just a few words, not this time though.

 Catching up with some old friends and meeting their sweet new addition, Jack.

Poor girl was under the weather last week, and I made her take some pictures.  Tried to give her her dolly to make her feel better, no such luck.  Being 6months can be rough!

Oops mom I broke an ornament!  Don't worry though, I will bring up every one of daddy's wrenches to fix it ;)
I feel like my blog posts are always ending because someone is waking up from naptime, and today is no different!  gotta run!  Happy Holidays!!