Monday, September 23, 2013

Potty Training and mouse-hunting

It was a busy day in the Richard household. Day 1 of potty training began, and Coop was a rock star!  Don't get me wrong, there were several accidents, mishaps, and pee-pee (and poopy) shenanigans going on, but overall I'd say day one was a success.  I pretty much had to be with him at all times though, because if I left the room at all or he went upstairs by himself, chances were I would find a little puddle left behind.  So obviously he has by no means mastered it, but we definitely hit the ground running!

So he was pretty resistant to putting the underwear on the right end, so we ended up just hanging in this t-shirt all day.  No pants.  Well not true, I tried pants for awhile, but after three pairs and three accidents, decided the naked way was best!

He missed.  Close, but not quite.  Enough said there.  Thanks to my mom for suggesting a towel underneath the potty (which by the way is just sitting in the middle of my living room).

Mid-way through the day I discovered a mouse in our garage.  That soon became our new activity for the day (catching it, that is).  I was terrified of it, but Coop had no fear.  So I would always send him over to it when it crawled out.  We got close to catching it, the poor thing wasn't very fast.  Never got it though.  In  the meantime, Coop took a few bathroom breaks outside.  I watched him one time walk over to our side yard, lift his shirt, and hold his pee-pee out to go.  At this same moment I looked over to realize our two older neighbors were just staring at him with this strange look on their faces.  I apologized and told them we were potty training!  That's probably not quite how they trained their kids back in the day! Haha ;)
And this little sweetheart has been so laid back these days.  Just likes to sit on the couch and make faces at anyone and everyone.
Pray that Day #2 goes just as well (if not better!!!)  Not quite sure what the next move is here.  We didn't leave the house all day today, probably will be the same for tomorrow too.  We'll see......

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