Thursday, October 13, 2011

Month 5!

Despite our sad face here, my 5th month of life has been jam packed full of fun and family.  We got to go visit Uncle Bryan at the University of Dayton and see him play football, then the next weekend we were off to Florida with both sets of Grandparents, how lucky am I?  It was nonstop attention both weekends but no worries I never get tired of it!  Mom says I am pretty good on plane rides, and she even lets me "eat" during takeoff, which dad doesn't seem to always approve of and is always trying to throw blankets over my head to cover me and mom!  He's so funny.

Go Dayton Flyers!  It's freezing, as you can probably tell from this picture.

Quality Time with Aunt Heather

Blowing Spit Bubbles at Uncle Bryan (one of my favorite things to do these days)

It was great seeing where Bryan lived and his campus, it is a beautiful campus and Bryan even found us a Nebraska Alumni Restaurant to watch the NE game, way to go!  Awful game (that was the Wisconsin game), but fun time with the family nonetheless!

Waiting for the rain to stop to go swimming in Florida!

Watching the Husker game with Grandpa

Had to take a little snooze during halftime, man these football games are long!


With my two favorite Grandmas

Coop LOVED swimming, was great at kicking and splashing

The girls enjoying their Bahama Mamas (notice how none of us are looking towards the camera, this was Andy's photo journalism at work)

Grandpa B. was there too, although somehow I didn't get a shot of him on either my camera or Iphone :(  Overall it was a very relaxing weekend, the boys got in a few rounds of golf, and the girls and Coop actually got to stay two extra days after the boys left.  We worked out, sat by the pool, shopped, and had one great dinner at an Irish Pub and the next night on the beach.  Thanks so much to Wayne and Suzi for hosting us at their beautiful condo.  Andy and I are so blessed to both have such fun, generous, and amazing parents, and God has given us such wonderful relationships with them.  And even better yet, who can say that both their parents are such best friends too and can go on a vacation with all 6 of you together!  We realize we have a rare but special situation and thank God daily for it. 

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pics...especially the one of Andy and Coop in bed! So cute! See you tomorrow!! Can't wait for cousin time!
