Ok never mind, I was going to post an image from google of a bat, but when I looked it up there were the most horrifying pictures of bats that I immediately had to X out of the screen. I hate bats, did I mention that? But seriously, does anyone really like them?
But here's the story anyhow: Thursday morning I went into Cooper's room around 5:30a.m. to feed him before I left for work. He wasn't quite awake so I was going to give him a few extra minutes to snooze, so I sat down in the chair in his room. As I was just reclining to relax for a minute, I heard a flapping noise and looked up to see a little winged creature flying around the room. I knew immediately what it was and sprinted out of the room screaming for Andy. He came sprinting down from our room and was not only horrified that there was a bat in Cooper's room, but was also horrified to see that I had not grabbed Cooper out of the room in my panicked escape!! I feel like a horrible mother, but luckily Coop was just sleeping away the whole time. To make a long story short, while Andy got out some "bat-catching" gear, I googled "how to catch a bat". We caught the bat in just a few minutes with a container and let it out outside (and when I say we, I mean Andy because I was too scared to go in the room, and yes we did get Cooper out by this point).
Poor Cooper now has to go through the post-exposure Rabies Vaccine because we are not sure if he was bit or not by the bat. Apparently bats have these tiny fangs that when they bite it does not leave a mark nor can you hardly feel it, so if a bat is in the room with an unattended child the child must be vaccinated. The chances that Coop actually got bit and that the bat even had rabies are slim to none, but rabies is fatal, so needless to say we are not taking any chances. Also scary that there have been 3 bats found in the Omaha area with rabies recently, so everyone is hyped up around here anyway about bats. Unfortunately the Rabies Vaccine is a series of 5 shots; Cooper has gotten the 1st set (which included 3) and then had to get 3 of his 4mo vaccines today. 6 shots in 2 days, that's what I call a rough day at the office. His poor legs, good thing there are getting chubbier!
But he's still smiling away, and looking forward to the start of Football season!
I now weigh 13lbs and am in the 20th% for weight, 42nd% for length, and 19th% for head circumference. Dad says this is good, especially the head size, for some reason he was worried about that!
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