Thursday, July 28, 2011

2am visitor

Our little family was all tucked in and sleeping soundly Tuesday night, when around 2am we heard a little squel and a lot ruckus in our bedroom. Lucy (our cat) was frantically running around our bedroom. We flipped on the lights to discover she had cornered a little brown mouse!! I immediately freaked out and jumped on the counter in our bathroom, while Andy headed to the basement to get "supplies" to catch this little guy. Over the next hour we found ourselves chasing this thing through 3 rooms of the house only to finally corner it in, you guessed it, Coop's room! By this time, Andy and I were both sweating and Cooper was wide awake! After totally ransacking his room, we got the mouse into a box and Andy ran out into the middle of the street (in his boxers) and dumped him out.  Quite the eventful night at the Richard house!

Mouse Hunting Supplies

Coop snuggling with Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. :) awwww love that pic of Cooper cuddling with you guys :) way to go, andy!
